Hooking it all up

Now that the "B" is bolted in, I
just have to hook up everything around it! Getting some of the wiring
done. I found my self searching for a home for the ECU and TCU (engine
control and transmission control) Being lazy and not wanting to make
two brackets, I pulled the lid off of both computers and pop riveted them
together...now whereever one goes, the other is along for the ride!
Then I had to find a new home for them. I really wanted to keep the
glove box so that was out. I wanted to keep the space for the radio,
too and I didn't want a huge bulge of wires running under the carpet to
put the computers under a seat, so that was out too. I finally found
just the right spot to the right of the steering column. A space
just big enough...almost like it was made to stuff two computers in.
A couple of homemade brackets later and all is secured!

Spent most of this Saturday finsishing
the rebuild on my front brake calipers. Once those were done I could
bolt up everything else...new tie rod ends, new "custom" axles, Integra
spindles with new bearings, etc. Hopefully everything here will have
a long and happy life as it's all new or totally rebuilt. I also
managed to find a company that builds performance sway bars for front and
rear. This may be an upgrade later in the year!
I went ahead and mounted a small
trans cooler infront of the radiator. This is in addition to the
one that is inside the radiator. The claim is that the cooler the
fluid, the longer lived the tranny. If course the "test" cited on
the box shows that with a fluid temp of 190F (about the same temp as the
radiator) the tranny will last 50,000 miles! Ha! I don't know
if it will help too much, but it probably won't hurt. Fluid is cheap
and trannys are expensive!